The best way to fight coronavirus? It’s in your hands.
As terms like “self-isolation” and “social distancing” become part of our shared vocabulary, members of our South...
Social CBD Launches #NaturallyNicer Gummy Line
Marijuana and CBD products have become mainstream in recent years, with demand for these products through the roof. Just take a look at...
Miami Jewish Health Hosts Ceremony for Holocaust Survivors
On January 23rd, Miami Jewish Health hosted their annual candle lighting ceremony to honor survivors of the Holocaust and commemorate the 6...
Things to Think About as Your Parents Age
The best time to talk to your parents about their plans for living as they age is well before they need to implement such plans. If your...
5 Tips to Help Older Adults Be Healthier in 2020
For many, the new year is about establishing goals for the year ahead. But where should you start? As we age, an increasing number of us...
The Next Step
Miami native Lourdes Martinez has made a career out of her own stress relief. The former real estate agent first found her calling to...
Outside the Box
Forget the mainstream, 2020 is all about alternative wellness, embracing everything from crystals to light therapy in the name of...
Five Pro Tips for Protecting Your Immune System at the Office This Flu Season
The workplace can represent different things for different people: a means to provide for the family, an opportunity to be part of a team...
Protect Your Hearing – Your Health May Depend On It
Did you know that hearing loss is the third most common chronic health condition in the United States? And that almost twice as many people...
Opioid Medications During Take Back Day
Kendall Regional Medical Center collected 7.5 pounds of opioid medications during its “Crush the Crisis” opioid take back day...