The Heart Can’t Wait
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, people with certain health conditions may be delaying or forgoing some healthcare. People...
Come on over! Please #BYOC
Bring your own Chair? Cheese? Computer? Chocolate? Cabernet? Chicken? All could apply, but I was thinking more along the lines of bring...
4 Innovative Ways To Boost Student Morale
Going back to school is a big adjustment in the most mundane of times. When the threat of the coronavirus is at the school’s doorstep,...
COVID-19 Office Safety: Checklist & Guide
Coronavirus has made everything a bit weird. We no longer can drink coffee with people we like, we can’t hug the people we love, and...
The Palace Gardens Uses New Technology to Connect Residents & Families
Despite these uncertain times when visitors are restricted from assisted living and memory care communities, residents at The Palace...
Don’t let COVID-19 Prevent Your Child’s Annual Doctor Visit
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way of life in Florida, our country and across the world. In recent months, stay-at-home orders,...
The No Traveling Blues
Summer is half way over and still you haven’t traveled and you are feeling the No Traveling Blues. I get it, trust me. I am used to being...
Florida Coronavirus-Related Legal Updates
The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect us locally and globally. Lately, our home here in Florida has become a hotspot for COVID-19....
Music Presents a Calming Effect During COVID-19
Parents, teachers and students are gearing up for the 2020-2021 school year. But what it looks like this year, is unknown. Will there be...
New York City Ballet Dancers Unite with Art Without Borders during COVID-19
Art Without Borders New York, a nonprofit organization with goals to inspire and expand imagination through the arts, is offering an...