How to Stay Safe When Exercising Outside This Summer
by Samantha Clayton, OLY, ISSA-CPT, Vice President, Sports Performance and Fitness Education Summertime weather motivates us to spend more...
Tips to Maintain Your Health at Any Age
Taking charge of your health is important at any age, but as you enter your 30s, 40s and beyond, you may notice your body needs a little...
Allergies or COVID-19? Get Help Deciphering your Symptoms
Experiencing a sneeze, cough or throat tickle may be more nerve-wracking these days as we watch another rise in COVID-19 cases fueled by...
Tips to Protect Your Eyes from Digital Blue Light Damage
Exposure to blue light during screen use — looking at computers, phones, tablets and video consoles — may have potential short- and...
5 New-Year, New-You Resolutions to Boost Your Well-Being
It’s already the time of year to reassess where the past 12 months took you and decide what you want to improve, change or start doing in...
How do I get the most out of my body scrub?
Whether you already regularly exfoliate your body or you want to add this step into your regular skincare routine, there are many simple...
Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness Trends
In adjusting to the constraints of the pandemic, many Americans had to improvise where and how they work out. After months of adapting to a...
Biggest Signs of an Alcoholic Family Member
Alcoholic family members are often some of the most stress-inducing people in one’s life. Look here for the biggest signs of an alcoholic...
What You Can Do To Ease the Discomfort of COPD
From home remedies to effective treatment options, we’ve compiled a list of ways you can ease the discomfort of COPD. Keep reading to...
Ways To Encourage Your Teens To Get Active
Between smartphones and streaming, it can be tough to get adolescents moving. Discover some of the best ways to encourage your teens to get...