5 Questions With…Mike Cohen, Musicians Discount
It may be rare in this day and age to find a local business still thriving after 30 years, but it’s even rarer to find the head of that...
Leading the Way
Start them young. That’s the message that Board Certified Pediatric Dentist Dr. Christopher Bob wants to bring to South Florida parents...
Taking Flight: Kevin Diemar, President, Unity Jets
As the President of Unity Jets, a boutique-style private jet firm, it may seem as though Kevin Diemar has a front row seat to spending, but...
Sharonda Butler Stewart: Sporty Mommas
After years as a public school teacher in Miami, Sharonda Stewart put her career on hold to focus on her family and support her husband,...
LATIN BRAVURA Opens Arts Ballet’s New Season
Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, under the direction of Vladimir Issaev, will be opening its 20th season with an exciting repertoire. The...
Want to help? Here are a couple of ways to support the community post-Irma.
The Coral Gables Community Foundation has established the Hurricane Irma Recovery Fund to benefit fellow Floridians impacted across the...
Micaela Wenger: Kick it Forward Miami
Background Though only a senior in high school, Micaela Wenger is no stranger to community service. With guidance and influence from her...
Season Preview: Save the Date
Get your Fall cultural arts calendar in order with this handy guide to South Florida’s most exciting events. THE SEPTEMBER ARTS KICKOFF...
On Our Radar: LEAP South Florida
As a gymnast for more than a decade and coach for more than 17 years, Lauren Petrick is no stranger to the world of competitive sports. But...
Kim Abreu: Senior Vice President at Bank of America
Lotus House (Lotushouse.org); Carrfour (Carrfour.org) Background Abreu’s passion for the community began 25 years ago when the...