Written by: Celebrities Fitness

The 10 Most Popular Hollywood Workouts of All Time

9. Daniel Craig – 5,550 searches per month 

With five Bond movies under his belt, Daniel Craig has had to keep his body in top shape since his first appearance as the 007 agent in Casino Royale, receiving 5,550 searches per month for his workout regimen. According to Craig’s strength and conditioning coach, Simon Waterson, the actor trained 45 minutes per day Monday to Friday, with weekend reserves for swimming and stretching. Craig would start off the week with a full-body power circuit where he would perform weightlifting exercises for 3 sets of 10 reps. He would then complete a chest and back workout on Tuesday and another full body circuit on Friday. During the weekend Craig was allowed to ditch the dumbbells in favor of a swim and some stretching on both days.


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Last modified: July 12, 2022

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