Easy Tips To Prevent and Provide First Aid For Pet Summer Emergencies
The most dangerous month of the year for pets in South Florida is here: August. As temperatures and humidity rise, our pets are especially...
Leptospirosis in Miami?
Recently there has been great concern about the increase in leptospirosis infections reported in urban areas nationwide. It’s difficult...
Woman’s Best Friend
Katie Gutierrez followed her heart when it came to choosing a career. But, ironically, it was her heart that made an initial career...
Dog Bites 101
Every year, an average of 800,000 people in the US require emergency medical care for a dog bite. Half of these peoples are children...
How Safe are your Dog’s Collars and Leashes?
You’ve finally adopted a new pet! With the excitement of having a brand new family member we run to the pet or internet store to buy...