8 Things About Divorce You Need to Know
Having been through a divorce, in hindsight I can look back and recognize there were some things I wish I had known in order to prepare...
Questions To Ask Before Getting a Divorce
Going through a divorce will greatly affect you and your family. Before you set your mind on legal separation, you should ask these...
Unfulfilled Dreams Are Stepping Stones to New Ones
In my practice, I see women every day that have to let go of their dreams due to divorce and begin the search for new ones. A common thread...
It’s That Time of Year
Well, it’s here, and undoubtedly it came faster than you had anticipated. That time of year newly divorced and single people dread, the...
An Interview with Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
Founder and owner of Vasquez de Lara Law Group, a law firm dedicated to assisting families with the legal issues affecting them and their...
Heartbreak Hotel
You checked in and you will check out! Funny, how at the strangest times when you least expect it, an idea will pop into your head. This...
3 Different Reasons You Would Need a Lawyer
Lawyers often have a bad reputation. Many people believe they’re only in it for the money; plus, the legal process takes forever....
Hiring a Divorce Coach Will Be One of the Best Decisions You Can Make
These last few months have been some of the most difficult months for people in many ways, but for the couple that has been on the verge of...
Dating Post COVID
You have been cooped up and alone for months. No one to talk with on a regular basis, no physical interactions, plus social gatherings have...
Start the New Year with a Bonfire
Every year about this time when the old year is transitioning into the new year, I always take stock of where I am on my path and what I...