5 Virtual Tours For When You Just Need to Relax
During this time a lot of people may be generating a lot of stress, that’s why it is important to safeguard your emotional and mental...
Heading Home For The Holidays
Being home for the holidays is so important to us, now more than ever as many of us have been separated from family and friends for a very...
Tips To Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Throwing yourself into a whole new lifestyle can cause you to burn out quickly. In the beginning, you may feel extremely motivated and...
Timely Tips for a Spooktacular Smile!
Halloween need not be a scary time for teeth and those undergoing orthodontic treatment! We at Pinecrest Orthodontics, in conjunction with...
Science-Driven Sleep Tech Driving Extreme Industry Advancements
Intellibed’s leading edge Sleep Genius Smart Base technology, coupled with their technologically-advanced Gel Matrix mattresses,...
The Heart Can’t Wait
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, people with certain health conditions may be delaying or forgoing some healthcare. People...
Don’t Bid Your Dream Home Adieu
Strategies for multiple-bid scenarios California and some northern states are accustomed to dealing with multiple offers on properties for...
Your Best Defense Starts With Your Doctor
A recently published 2019 Reuters Health report shows a massive increase in Americans without a Primary Care Physician (PCP). In the last...
How Does Working on a Computer Affect Your Eyes?
In this modern world, most adults and children spend a lot of time in front of computer screens. Whether they do it for entertainment or to...
It’s the Beginning of the 4th Quarter, Let’s go Heat!
This year we may even get a Miami Heat vs. LeBron final. In real estate, we expect a strong finish to the year. Like the Heat, business...