Ruff Sleep
Throughout the years, there has been a great amount of discussion about the practice of letting our pets sleep in our beds. It’s a highly...
Halloween Pet Safety Tips: How Not to Spend Halloween Night in an Emergency Clinic
Halloween is approaching and many are already planning for what is considered one of the most popular holidays of the year. Halloween,...
Easy Tips to Prevent Summer Pet Emergencies
The most dangerous month of the year for pets in South Florida is August. As temperatures and humidity rise, our pets are especially prone...
Here, Kitty, Kitty! I Have a New and Natural Painkiller for You
If your cat is older than 10 to 12 years, you may have noticed that things have changed a little bit. Maybe the kitty is not as active as...
The Itches and Scratches of Spring
Spring is here, bringing with it flowers, rain and allergies. Spring can be allergy season for dogs as well as humans, though the symptoms...
Help Your Dog Lose the Extra Holiday Weight
Let’s face it, after a whole season of celebrating with family and friends and indulging in special meals and desserts, most us of gain...
Is It Time to Get Pet Insurance?
Modern advances in veterinary medical technology and procedures such as dialysis, interventional cardiology, chemotherapy, computerized...
Easy Steps to Prepare Pets before a Hurricane Hits
Pets are a part of the family and, as such, must be included in hurricane emergency plans. The time to start planning is now, before a...
Physical Therapy for Pets
The field of veterinary physical therapy has been expanding development has been spurred by the demonstration of its efficacy in humans and...
Allergic to Your Pet?
If even the idea of playing with your dog or cat gives you a bad case of the sniffles, then you are not alone. You are among the 15% to 20%...