Written by: In Our Schools

Celebrating 30 Years at Palmer Trinity

Danny E. Reynolds, associate head of school of external relations,is celebrating 30 years at Palmer Trinity School. During his tenure, the school has seen an expansion from 300 students to 780 students. A strong advocate of global education, Reynolds also started the school’s study abroad program.

Reynolds began at the school in 1992 in admissions. As associate head of school of external relations, he oversees admission, college counseling, financial aid, study away and parents. His work encompasses counseling students through the college process to coordinating financial aid as well as the admission process.

“I’m extremely proud of my work and the outstanding growth of Palmer Trinity over these 30 years,” said Reynolds. “During this time, what has been most gratifying is the opportunity to foster positive relationships and impact the lives of students and families in our community.”

Before coming to Palmer Trinity School, Reynolds worked in admissions at both Florida International University and Georgetown University. While at Georgetown, he was head of admissions for abroad candidates — igniting a deep interest in global education.

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