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Summer Weather: How Heat Affects Parking Lots

The summer weather can have a significant effect on your parking lot. Keep reading to understand how the intense heat of summer can damage your lot.

Summer Weather: How Heat Affects Parking Lots

The summer sun can become intense during the hot months. All you need to do is step outside to feel the blazing sun. These harsh temperatures can wreak havoc on your parking lot in more ways than one. Below, we’ll explore the different ways summer weather and heat affect parking lots.

Increased Number of Potholes and Cracks

Your parking lot will expand and contract when it deals with temperature fluctuations. More potholes and cracks appear when asphalt expands because of the extreme temperatures. There are instances of pavement buckling under intense heat.

It’s vital to fix these the moment you notice them. A dip in temperature will make the pavement contract, which is one issue that can cause lasting damage to the asphalt. Leaving cracks and potholes unrepaired could be detrimental to your parking lot and your visitors.

The Oxidation Process

What is the oxidation process? This process occurs when UV rays react chemically with various oils to reduce and combine the number of binding oils in the pavement. It will eventually cause the asphalt to become so weak that the surface is brittle. You’ll find plenty of cracking and twisting in your parking lot if you fail to maintain it through the intense summer sun.

Sun Faded Lines

Unless your parking lot sits in the shade entirely, the sun beating down will begin to fade the lot lines. You could deal with an incredibly chaotic situation if customers and employees don’t know where to park or where the no-parking zones are.

Faded lines aren’t ideal for curb appeal either. Hire a company to repaint your parking lot every two to three years to avoid confusion in your lot.

Pavement Weakness Allows for Water Damage

Weak asphalt is something no building owner wants to deal with. Unfortunately, when the harsh summer sun weakens the pavement, water can seep in. Summer rains can infiltrate the weak pavement foundation and lead to long-term problems. This issue is one of your parking lot’s more significant summer problems.

The heat and summer weather significantly affects parking lots, but staying on top of parking lot maintenance will help keep your lot pristine. Sealcoating is one excellent way to fight back against the intense summer sun. Don’t forget daily maintenance, such as sweeping to clear away dirt and debris.

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Last modified: August 10, 2022