Written by: Celebrities Fitness

The 10 Most Popular Hollywood Workouts of All Time

2. Chris Hemsworth – 15,000 searches per month

Seeing himself into second place is Marvel superstar, Chris Hemsworth, who receives 15,000 searches per month for his workout routine. Hemsworth, who plays Asgard’s iconic deity Thor throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is no stranger to packing on and maintaining bulk, gaining 20 pounds for the character’s debut. Duffy Gaver, a former Navy SEAL who trained Hemsworth, opted for an old school bodybuilding routine and has been transparent about the actor’s workouts. The actor trained on a typical ‘bro-split’ where he would work one specific muscle group to burnout each day and this was broken down into six different workout days: back, chest, legs, shoulders, arms, and abs. Each session would start with compound exercise for that muscle group that would drop down the reps from 20 over the course of five sets.

PHOTO: Luke Zocchi

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Last modified: July 12, 2022

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