Written by: Celebrities Fitness

The 10 Most Popular Hollywood Workouts of All Time

5. Arnold Schwarzenegger – 9,100 searches per month

Hailed by many as possessing the most aesthetic physique of all time for a bodybuilder, let alone an actor, Schwarzenegger continues to rack up 9,100 searches per monthfor an insight into his workout routine. The seven-time Mr. Olympia, whose most iconic role as the bloodthirsty cyborg in The Terminator utilized a grueling six day a week workout routine in his bodybuilding days, training each muscle group twice a week with Sunday reserved as a rest day. On Day 1 Schwarzenegger would train chest and back, Day 2 shoulders and arms and Day 3 would be legs and lower back, which would then be repeated over the next three days. Arnold’s high-volume workouts centered around traditional bodybuilding exercises such as bench press, bent over rows, deadlifts and barbell curls which he performed for 3-4 sets of ten reps for each exercise.


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Last modified: July 12, 2022

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