Written by: Charity

Rosemary’s Run for Spanish-Speaking Mentors

Miami native, Rosemary Carrera, wants to spread the word about the need for Spanish-speaking mentors on behalf of Imerman Angels by running the Chicago Marathon on October 9th. Rosemary hopes to take 100 names of people impacted by cancer on the 26.2-mile adventure, which falls on the 4th anniversary of her double mastectomy for breast cancer.

Rosemary is the founder of the Miami-based non-profit, 305 Pink Pack, which provides vital direct and support services to ensure women can access their cancer treatment and recover from it. ​​305 Pink Pack and Imerman Angels are working together to encourage those in the Latin community to lend their wisdom and be a mentor to someone going through this difficult time.

Rosemary is running the Chicago Marathon as part of Team IA to bring awareness to this need. For each $25 donation made on her page, she is writing the name of the donor’s loved one impacted by cancer on her as she runs. To learn more about how to support Rosemary’s run and Team IA, visit https://linktr.ee/305pinkpack.

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Tags: , Last modified: July 25, 2022