Written by: In the Community

Jobs Where Head Injuries Are the Most Common

There’s always a risk of injury on the job, and this goes for every industry. However, there are three jobs that cause the most head injuries.

Jobs Where Head Injuries Are the Most Common

It’s essential to stay safe while on the job, including wearing the appropriate attire. However, even when employees wear the proper gear, they don’t fully know what sort of injuries to expect. These are the jobs where head injuries are the most common.

Construction Sites

Construction’s the one field prone to experiencing the most accidents, even with the proper safety gear. When atop a skyscraper or inside a smaller building, the chance of a serious brain injury increases.

Even while wearing the right gear, a worker can risk falling or knocking debris down from the ceiling if not attentive.

First Responders

The second on the list is first responders. A first responder can be anyone from a firefighter to an EMT, and they even experience times when something or someone threatens their safety.

Whenever firefighters enter a building, they need to be aware of their surroundings and employ their proper PPE gear before moving around a burning structure.

Falling debris in a burning building is a strong possibility, and it doesn’t always mean it’s a light blow to the head. Once struck, the worker needs to immediately leave and go to the hospital because of possible internal bleeding.

Warehouse Workers

Workers can become injured while operating heavy machinery around a warehouse or teaching a newcomer how to sort through shipments safely.

If not careful, especially in smaller warehouses and loading docks, workers can easily fall off and hit their heads, resulting in severe injuries.

In every field, employees need to be aware of potential accidents, even the worst. The list of jobs where head injuries are common is a look into careers that many people think are safe. However, they pose many opportunities for injuries to occur. Keep yourself safe by being aware of your surroundings and wearing the correct work apparel.

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Last modified: February 22, 2022