Written by: Divorce

Summer Reading List for the Exhausted Divorce Brain

No doubt, it has been a long road since you walked through your attorney’s door. You just can’t believe the constant flow of papers to read and sign, phone calls to return, friends throwing every self-help divorce book at you, and the barrage of questions from everyone, including the mail carrier. Your brain is screaming, “No more!” Trust me, you need a break and there is nothing wrong with stepping back from all the craziness and losing yourself in a good book.

I remember when I was in school and we would get our summer reading list. I dreaded that sheet of paper showing up on my desk right before the last bell rang for the school year. This isn’t that type of list. It’s a fun list — a list where each book is one that you will be able to relate to if you have been divorced or are going through a divorce. The themes of loss, second chances, finding yourself, mending a heart, not taking time for granted, and even revenge are strewn among the pages. So, grab one (or two) and find your special summer place — a blanket on the beach, a hammock in the park, or a bed filled with pillows — plop down, and give your mind a rest. A frozen Margarita (or two) might not be such a bad idea either.

  • The Hopeless Romantic’s Handbook — Gemma Townley
  • Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman — Elizabeth Buchan
  • The Witch of Portobello — Paulo Coelho
  • The Other Life — Ellen Meister
  • The Heart Mender: A Story of Second Chances — Andy Andrews
  • The Time Keeper — Mitch Albom
  • A Weekend to Change Your Life — Joan Anderson
  • The Second Journey: The Road Back to Yourself — Joan Anderson
  • The Starter Wife — Gigi Levangie Grazer

And for those that just can’t pull themselves away from some form of self-help book, here are a few good reads:

  • The Good Karma Divorce — Judge Michele Lowrance
  • Daring Greatly — Brené Brown
  • Who Switched Off My Brain? — Dr. Caroline Leaf
  • Sun Tzu’s Art of War for Women — Catherine Huang and A.D. Rosenberg
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