Written by: In Our Schools

Principal of the Year Winner Rachel Autler Honored with Free SUV Lease

Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ (M-DCPS) 2021 Principal of the Year – Rachel B. Autler – is driving home in a brand-new Toyota Highlander Hybrid in honor of her outstanding service. Dade Association of School Administrators (DASA) President Ramses Ancheta and President-Elect Ramon Garrigo, District administrators, and Anthony Damato from Toyota of North Miami met at Hialeah Gardens Senior High to present Autler with the keys to the three-year leased SUV.

Autler credits her success to teachers and staff embracing her belief that each student is an individual who has the right to an education that exceeds expectations. Her overriding goal of improving the lives of students led to increased test scores since her career as principal began at Hialeah Gardens Elementary in 2015. Known as a well-rounded and respected principal throughout her community, she was recently promoted to Region Director.

“I am just so honored to have received this award, but I couldn’t have done it without the love and support of the Hialeah Gardens Elementary community,” said Autler. “The trust given to me by students, staff and parents enabled me to create a place like no other—a place where all students are valued for their unique capabilities and in turn honor the differences of others.”

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