Written by: Doral

Centrum Health Partners with Doral Councilwoman’s Non-Profit

Responding to the call for medical supplies, Centrum Health has partnered with the Health Power Quality Foundation to donate 25,000 pairs of medical-grade gloves to those who need it across parts of the Dominican Republic.  

Centrum Health is a full-service medical center with 13 locations across Broward and Miami-Dade County. They provide primary care, labs, physical therapy, specialists, dental, vision and much more.  Centrum Health accepts a wide variety of insurance and takes same day appointments.  

Health Power Quality Foundation is a South Florida non-profit that is focused on improving people’s quality of life by empowering them and improving their health through health-based initiatives and donations. Founded in 2019, HPQ foundation has made donations to Guatemala, Dominican Republic, and different communities in Central and South Florida.  

“We were happy to partner with Health Power Quality Foundation after hearing about the need for medical gloves,” said Rudy Rodriguez-Duret, CEO of Centrum Health. “I know about the work Digna does as Councilwoman for the City of Doral so I didn’t hesitate to support her non-profit and its efforts to keep people healthy.” 

“Residents in the Dominican Republic have been fighting COVID-19 and working hard to keep it under control,” said Digna Cabral, the founder of Health Power Quality Foundation. “The goal of the glove distribution is to help the most vulnerable stay protected.” So far, more than 3-thousand people there have died from the virus. 

The gloves will be distributed in Dominican Republic along with CONAPE (Concejo Nacional de la Persona Envejeciente) and INAIPI (Instituto Nacional de Atencion Integral a la Primera Infancia) to the elderly and children under the age of 5 years old.

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