Written by: Cars

How To Keep Your Car Clean in the Rain

How To Keep Your Car Clean in the Rain

Florida may not be experiencing the rainy season right now, but when it approaches, your car will feel its wrath. Every raindrop contains particles of dirt, dust, and other pollutants that end up on our clean vehicles, making them look like you’ve been off-roading in the desert. How do you avoid the mess? Follow these tips for how to keep your car clean in the rain. 

Wash Your Car Often

Unless you have a car-sized umbrella, your car can’t avoid the rainwater. To keep your car as clean as possible, it’s best to hit the car wash every one or two weeks. Frequent washing will keep acidic rainwater from damaging your vehicle—plus, it’ll look fresh more often.

Protect the Paint

Rain and exterior paint don’t make the best combination. Rainwater will make your car look dirty and erode the paint job over time. Wash your car’s exterior and then follow up with waxing. Wax is a great way to maintain the integrity of your paint job. It’ll keep excess dirt and any scratches from ruining your car’s paint, so after a quick rinse, it’ll look shiny and new again.

Check All the Seals

That little rubber strip between your car and the outside helps keep the rain out. Make sure these strips aren’t worn out, and add a seal if they are. The synthetic materials in sealants can protect your car from water damage inside and out.

Use Accessories

Dragging the rain with you into your car is a quick way to ruin your interior. Utilize accessories like rubber mats and seat covers to protect the inside from excessive water damage.

Dirtying your car in the rain is unavoidable. With these top tips for how to keep your car clean in the rain, you’ll be able to manage the mess and keep your car looking good throughout the rainy season.

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