Written by: Coral Gables

Building Community

Under most circumstances, the home buying process is a little like speed dating. There’s a range of people who all service different parts of the process – house hunting, legal representation, financial guidance – and it’s a rotating shuffle of various meetings with all involved parties to get to a finish line. Luckily in this real estate scenario, The Baños Law Firm is the steady relationship. “There are plenty of people out there who provide services,” says Javier Baños Esq, CPA. “We offer a unique place where you can do all three. Our clients come to us to buy a home, talk to an accountant, consult their lawyer and handle estate planning.”

Javier and his wife, Vanessa S. Blanco-Baños Esq, are the dynamic duo behind the Baños Law Firm they have opened and operated since 2010. Ten years on, they have built a community pillar that revolves around personal service and building community. “We give our direct line to customers so they don’t have to go through three layers of secretaries to reach us,” he explains.

The majority of their practice has grown to revolve around the multifaceted needs of real estate. After cutting his teeth in corporate structure and tax compliance, Vanessa’s extensive real estate background brought them together to join forces in an area where the market was strong and growth potential was high.

Public service has always been a thread in the fabric as well, with Javier previously serving as Chairman of the City of Miami Civil Service Board or Vice Chairman of the Florida Bar Grievance Committee and volunteering for the Miami-Dade County Guardian Ad Litem program, and Vanessa giving back through the Junior League of Miami. Javier is currently running for Coral Gables Commissioner, a position crucial to providing community leadership and developing policies for city services, and up for election in April 2021. “I’ve been serving on city boards since 2007, so community service is a passion for me,” says Baños. “The Mayor knocked on my door and offered me an opportunity to serve, and I would like the opportunity to have a larger impact.”

Most importantly, he keeps a great sense of humor about it. “With a name like Baños, you have to,” he laughs. A small family practice, Javier jokes that he likes to keep the office filled with experienced voices, older community members who can act as a sounding board for various cases and concerns.

“We are the epitome of working parents,” he says as his son climbs into the car for an after-school pick-up. Every day, they take the time to stop their work day to get their children from St Theresa School in the Gables. Born in Cuba, Javier came to the US when he was 16, and grew up in Florida with the ultimate immigrant experience. “Our children live a far more privileged life than we were ever going to live, so we try to instill in them the values that were instilled in us.”

“I’ve always been someone who not only believes in having a good business sense and being attentive to clients, but also putting that forward into everything we do,” says Javier. Much of their collective life is wrapped up in their greater community, at church, their children’s school, and all the various points their work and volunteer lives manage to touch. Through business, volunteering, neighborhood and family, The Baños Law Firm partners are helping build our community, one step at a time.

The Baños Law firm is located at 3126 Coral Way, Miami FL 33145. For more information, please call 786-476-2000, or visit banoslawfirm.com.

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Tags: , Last modified: January 25, 2021