Written by: Coral Gables

An Interview with Vanessa Vasquez de Lara

Founder and owner of Vasquez de Lara Law Group, a law firm dedicated to assisting families with the legal issues affecting them and their loved ones in family court

With the divorce rate in Florida, it is hard to find a Floridian that hasn’t been affected by divorce in some way, from their parents getting a divorce, a close friend or themselves. But it doesn’t have to have the negative reputation many give it.

We recently sat down with Miami-based family attorney Vanessa Vasquez de Lara and the most interesting takeaway was the idea that divorce provides many more positives than negatives in many people’s lives.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

What is the most fulfilling aspect of practicing family law?

First, I wanted to say thanks for asking me to sit down with you today. That’s a great question! It’s safe to say that people don’t come seeking my help when things are good in their life – they come to me when things aren’t working with their spouse. With that in mind, the most fulfilling part is helping clients get their lives back on track and excited about the future again.

What’s the best part of your day?

Delivering good news to clients. Nothing matches that feeling.

What’s the most challenging part of your job?

That’s a tough one. The hardest part is helping clients who have been traumatized process what happened to them and understand that it wasn’t ok. On the flip side, helping them find a path to a better future is – by far – what makes working in family law the only work I would ever consider.

With that in mind, if you could do anything else what would you do?

[Laughs] Of course you’d ask that next. Something where I would be helping people: A doctor, psychologist, social worker, I want to do something where I would be helping and improving people’s lives

That being said, if we are worried about a friend in a bad situation where we don’t know all of the details, what are some red flags we should watch for?

To be honest, it’s different every time – people handle situations differently and there is no tell-tale sign to watch out for. The most important thing is to be there for your friends and if they ever ask for help to move on in their life, don’t hesitate.

Can someone ever really put their ex in the past?

We aren’t sticking with the softball questions, are we? It really depends on the individual situation. Is it possible? Yes, but if you have children that are minors when you are seeking a divorce it becomes a lot more tricky. But again, you can only answer that on a case-by-case basis.

What’s the trick to making the split between partners amicable?

Finding an experienced family lawyer and consulting with them early on makes things move forward more smoothly. Most people getting divorced have never been through the process and it’s normal to think that you and your soon-to-be ex can work through any details and split on good terms. A good divorce attorney has been through the process hundreds of times.

How can we resolve things so I never have to speak with my ex again?

That’s why it’s important to get an experienced family attorney involved early on. Determining what your ideal result is and then working towards that is our approach with our clients.

So, how long does a divorce actually take?

That depends on the goals. For some couples they can get everything resolved to each party’s liking in a week, others will take years.

What’s your office’s phone number?

The number is 305-676-9514. You can also find out more at familylawprotection.com/tfv.

Thanks for taking the time today!

Thank you!

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