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Re-Envisioning Black Education with Breakthrough Miami

WHAT: Breakthrough Miami is hosting a community conversation to examine how and why we must create a more equitable and inclusive public school system in order to address the current state of education for Black students and educators in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

WHO: Spearheaded by Rookie Teacher of the Year, Kalyn Lee, Zahirah Calloway, founder of Young Women of Empowerment Mentorship Program, Inc., and several stakeholders across disciplines who believe that school districts across the country owe their Black students’ education far more attention and effort. 

Panelists include Dr. Marvin Dunn (Former FIU Professor and Author of Black Miami), Makiba J. Foster (Manager of the African American Research Library and Cultural Center for Broward County Libraries), Valencia Gunder (Founder of Community Emergency Operation Center -CEOC- and Make the Homeless Smile), Alexandria Martin (Public School Teacher), and Dwanye Martin (Hamilton Student and Nyah Fellow). Moderated by Webber J. Charles (Director of Student Achievement and Senior Site Director at Breakthrough Miami)

WHEN: Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM EST

WHERE: This is a free event. To watch it virtually, click here.

MORE ON THE WHAT: The goal of this event is to address the current state of education for Black students and educators in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. 

Discussions will include the needs for an accurate depiction of Black history and experiences in education and the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training requirements for all MDCPS employees.

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