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Four Careers for People Who Want To Help Others

Four Careers for People Who Want To Help Others

When faced with a hurting world like ours, there are two options. We can choose to withdraw, ignoring the issues or seeking someone to blame. On the other hand, we can do our part to ease others’ suffering wherever we happen to find ourselves, whether it’s in our homes, communities, or career choice. Some people even walk away from profitable careers to pursue this option. If you would like to take this road, here are just four careers for people who want to help others.


Teachers are more than just the people who teach us “the three Rs.” Teachers often play the role of a life coach, therapist, career counselor, and sometimes even a second parent. For some students, teachers are the most consistent part of their lives, figures who can either bolster their self-esteem or crush it into dust. And maybe teachers’ jobs don’t quite look the same right now, but there’s no doubt that they are continuing to help others.

Home Health

Getting older can be difficult, especially if you have health issues that can leave you in constant need of support. Many individuals in this position find themselves needing to leave their homes and often lose their autonomy in the process. Home health professionals provide an alternative. These individuals are usually certified nursing assistants who come to people’s homes daily and perform several duties that meet the needs of vulnerable individuals so that they can stay in their homes.

Social Worker

Social workers work with people when they are most vulnerable-when they are struggling with mental illness or addiction (which can be treated at facilities like Arista Recovery), facing unemployment, or must come to terms with a difficult life change. They work with anyone from young children to adults. Social workers don’t only stand with people during the crises that most of us pray we never have to endure, but they also help them break the situation down, connect with resources, and find solutions.

911 Dispatchers

People calling 911 are often experiencing one of the worst moments of their lives, and often the only other person with them is the person on the other end of the line. 911 operators are not only the ones who make sure people get help when they need it most desperately, but they are also the calm presence that helps a person endure the chaos until the help arrives.

There are so many problems in the world that anyone would want to withdraw from them. While we can’t change all the world’s problems on our own, we can each do our part to ease some of the struggles of life. And even if it doesn’t seem like you are working a career for people who want to help others, wherever you are, with a little kindness, you too can make the world a better place.

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