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Ways to Decrease Industrial Energy Costs

Ways to Decrease Industrial Energy Costs

Every business thrives by either increasing profits or reducing costs. The main thing that drives profits is by keeping productivity as high as possible. This can either be done by keeping your employees motivated or through your machinery. For example, many businesses invested in a Leibinger inkjet printer after seeing it had broken a speed record (https://news.thomasnet.com/companystory/speed-record-printing-on-cables-at-over-60-km-h-40033170) which meant their manufacturing process would be much more efficient and productive. Unfortunately, the latter has become the strategy for most businesses, given the coronavirus pandemic. However, before cutting costs in areas that hurt most––like employees––consider cutting energy costs. There are several ways to decrease industrial energy costs; continue reading to learn more.

Get an energy audit and track the data

If you don’t know where your energy use currently is, how could you possibly know you’re making progress? You can hire professionals or begin tracking your facility’s energy use. Ideally, you should get a detailed energy audit and find out which machines or departments are using the most energy. However, we understand this is an article about cutting costs, so if you can’t afford a detailed audit, that’s okay-just start somewhere.

Plan for shut-off times

Heavy machinery is a staple in any industrial environment, but that doesn’t mean that the machines must be on at all times. Of course, some machines are exceptions. However, any machine that’s not vital should be shut off anytime it’s not in use. Many facilities will schedule shut-off times; those significantly reduce energy use.

Change light bulbs

Every manufacturing facility needs adequate lighting, but you know that industrial facilities have a lot of overhead lighting. Believe it or not, merely changing to energy-efficient bulbs makes a huge impact on your energy costs. Depending on your facility’s size, lights with sensors are an additional option. That way, they’ll shut off when no one is working in the vicinity.

Use equipment that requires little to no energy

In addition to heavy equipment, many industrial facilities have magnets for moving heavy ferrous materials or magnetic separation. However, as opposed to choosing electromagnets that require an additional energy source, you should consider one of the different types of permanent magnets. Most modern heavy machines have energy-saving features. That said, if you’re using outdated equipment, you’re hurting yourself more than if you just invested in new machinery. You can look at lathe machines from tsinfa.com to see how they can add to your industrial needs and what the machinery can provide for the efficiency of your business.

Energy use is a primary factor in an industrial facility’s costs. Luckily, there are many ways to decrease industrial energy costs. Be mindful of your energy use and you’ll see your costs sloping downward in no time.

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