Written by: Dental Health

An Orthodontist’s Scary Tooth Truths

Fall is here, and October is actually my favorite month of the year! Not only does it bring cooler weather and the holiday of Halloween (as well as Breast Cancer Awareness month), October is also National Orthodontic Health Month. This is the time that orthodontists throughout North America celebrate beautiful healthy smiles and aim to educate the public more about the benefits of orthodontic treatment and the importance of good oral health. This is especially important given that it is Halloween. During this event, people will consume a lot of candy and other unhealthy foods. Whilst this might seem fun, it can actually cause a lot of problems. Candy can stain teeth, making them more likely to turn yellow. This isn’t desirable for anyone, so it might be worth booking in for a teeth whitening appointment with Dr. Derek Fine, or another dentist similar. They should be able to brighten your teeth, ensuring that the candy doesn’t have too much of an impact on the color of your teeth. Furthermore, in honor of National Orthodontic Health Month, here are some true or false questions to test your orthodontic knowledge while reviewing the importance of keeping teeth safe and healthy this Halloween season.


The best age to first bring your child to the orthodontist is age seven.

TRUE! The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a checkup with an orthodontic specialist no later than age seven. An early evaluation with an orthodontist allows the identification of potential problems that may require monitoring, or in other cases early treatment. Some examples of situations requiring early treatment are crossbites, oral habits, severe overbite, or severe underbite.

All dentists are orthodontists.

FALSE! Orthodontists receive an additional two-to-three years of specialized education beyond dental school to learn the proper way to align and straighten teeth. Only those with this education may call themselves “orthodontists,” and only about 6 percent of dentists go on to become orthodontists.

Braces are just for kids.

FALSE! More and more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment these days to improve their oral health, smile, and overall appearance. In my own practice about 30 percent of our patients are over the age of 18. Today’s innovative technologies allow for highly esthetic orthodontic options that are attractive to adults, such as clear (ceramic) braces. Invisalign is another great option for adults as it is a series of comfortable, custom made removable aligners that gradually move teeth into proper alignment.

Brush your teeth at least 3x a day while undergoing orthodontic treatment

TRUE! Regular and proper oral hygiene is essential, especially when braces or other orthodontic appliances are present on the teeth. Braces serve as a trap for food and plaque and improper oral hygiene techniques can lead to permanent stains on tooth enamel surfaces as well as gum problems such as gingivitis. Hence, more frequent brushing (with a fluoridated toothpaste) as well as daily flossing is key to keeping teeth and gums healthy during orthodontic treatment.

As it is National Orthodontic Health Month and we are celebrating beautiful smiles, Pinecrest Orthodontics is holding our third annual candy buy-back event, November 4th and 5th from 9am-5pm. This is a great way to unload your excess Halloween candy while earning cash and benefitting our U.S. troops overseas via Operation Gratitude. Please call our office at 305-423-4130 for more information!

Pinecrest Orthodontics is located in the Dixie Belle Shops at 12197 S. Dixie Highway Pinecrest, FL 33156. 305-423-4130. www.pinecrestortho.com

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