Written by: In Our Schools

Groundbreaking of New GOB Construction Project held at Coral Gables Senior High

Schools Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho School Board member Mari Tere Rojas, Central Region Superintendent John Pace, Principal Adolfo Costa, District administrators, school staff and students gathered yesterday morning to officially break ground on the construction of a new two-story building at Coral Gables Senior High School, the first phase of a $26 million General Obligation Bond project.

The Coral Gables students had as much input in the design process as the adults. “I’m really excited they’re doing this new construction because even though we have to take detours to get to class, I think it’s totally worth it. Our school is going to be updated for the 21st century,” said 12th-grader Alex Sutton. “It’s going to be our new and improved version of the school that we know and love. I can’t wait to see it! What happens inside Gables is amazing already and now people are going to be able to tell from the way it looks outside as well.”

Silva Architects and Contractor Veitia Padron, Inc. (VPI) have been chosen to deliver Phase I of this project, a $16 million investment, which includes a new, 357-student station, two-story addition comprised of art labs, kiln (pottery) room, new restrooms, social studies classrooms, gymnastics/dance room, dining and serving area, covered dining area, computer labs, resource room, drafting and design lab, JROTC rooms, science classroom, and collaboration room.

Also included is construction of a new one-story, 3,600-square-foot building with a new energy efficient chiller plant, cooling tower, electrical service and generator serving the entire campus. A new P.E. multi-purpose room and laundry, new covered walkways, new interior courtyard with outdoor learning spaces and landscaping. Other renovations are also in the works.

PTSA President and Coral Gables alumna Jackie Gross Kellogg was excited the construction was beginning, “I graduated (from Coral Gables High) in 1986 so I am super proud to be part of this school and to have my children here. And now to witness the renovations that will finally reflect how good this school is on the inside, and now everybody can see it from the outside.”

The school bond projects resulted from voter approval of the $1.2 billion General Obligation Bond. The bond is being used to modernize and construct school buildings throughout the District, expand student capacity, enhance facility safety, and provide technology upgrades at all schools.

To learn more about the General Obligation Bonds progress, visit http://gobprogress.com and @MDCPScapital on Instagram and #GOBprogresson Twitter.

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Tags: , Last modified: September 5, 2019