Written by: Coconut Grove Coral Gables South Miami

Cisca Construction – Full Service

Frank Balleste is out to change the game–and the reputation–of Miami construction.

Frank Balleste is used to demanding clients. In fact, the Cisca Construction CEO welcomes the scrutiny.

Take, for example, a recent prospect. “They have emailed me, they’ve texted me. They’ve asked me about 3,000 questions,” says Balleste, laughing. “But I have answered them all. I welcome it, because I appreciate people who are doing their due diligence.”

With more than two decades of experience in his pocket, Balleste knows exactly what his clients are looking for, having worked across the region, taking on everything from commercial clients such as Miami-Dade College, CVS and Wal-Mart to high-end residential homes and smaller jobs that take him back to his company’s humble beginnings. “We did a bathroom in Pinecrest that four other contractors have been through and destroyed,” he says. “It took two weeks to clean up. But we did it so well that from that little job we’ve gotten millions of dollars in work.”

Cisca’s success is in no small part thanks to Balleste’s dedication to “finishing the job,” an idea that he says encompasses everything from precise planning before starting a project to detailed notes that allow for an understanding of everything from time worked to specific paint colors years later. “It’s a partnership,” says Balleste of his relationship with his clients. “We make people feel that there is someone there who is looking out for their money. Things aren’t always perfect, but I always have a Plan B and a Plan C.”

And for Balleste and his team, honesty is at top of mind at all times. When a client’s roof tile was recently delayed, Balleste found an almost exact match that was more accessible for the timeline, but held the green light until the client (who admitted she wouldn’t have even known the difference) gave approval. “I have to be honest with my clients,” he says. “I have to treat them the way I would want to be treated.” And that means total transparency. According to Balleste, each client receives a daily summary of the who, what and where, from weather conditions to how many people were on the job site. “Some clients love it and some clients don’t, but, for me, it’s a necessity,” he says. “We’re going to be there as a support system. Months or years later you can come back to us and we’ll know exactly what we did and why we did it.”

Balleste’s dedication to the job comes via hard work. The son of Cuban immigrants, Balleste rose from pushing a broom on a construction site to buying up smaller subcontractors to build Cisca into the strong team it is today. “I employ everyone from electricians to drywall to architects,” says Balleste. “I’m in control of my schedule and my budget. I don’t sub anything out and I don’t wait on anyone.”

He also inspires his team–and his clients–with his own love of the business. “I give out cell numbers, office numbers, home numbers. We’re not running, we’ll finish the job,” he says. “I want my clients to feel confident that you have a guy who is passionate about his work.”

CISCA Construction is located at 11430 N Kendall Drive, Ste 111, Miami, FL 33176. For more information you can call 305-595-2246 or 1-877-CISCA-48 or you can also visit www.ciscaconstruction.com.

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