10 Ways UVC Light Tech Can Safeguard Health & Wellness
Germicidal Ultraviolet-C (UVC) light surface and air sanitation + purification innovations can effectively eradicate harmful viruses,...
Don’t let COVID-19 Prevent Your Child’s Annual Doctor Visit
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way of life in Florida, our country and across the world. In recent months, stay-at-home orders,...
What’s the Best Way to Use CBD Oil?
With so much information out there about CBD oil, such as how to tell when your CBD oil has an expiration date, much of it can be seen as...
Local Farmers, Farm Workers, Non-Profits Recognized
Unity Groves, a family owned grower, packer, shipper operation that provides fresh produce across the country, spearheaded a recognition...
Improve Your Posture and Your Health
Posture is spoken about on a regular basis in our office, but recently it has become an even more commonly discussed topic than ever...
Keeping You Safe, and Your Teeth Healthy
Whenever asked, the Cohn doctors at Smile Miami Dental say that connecting with community members is the single most rewarding part of...
Free Therapy Offered to Frontline Healthcare Workers
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, South Florida Integrative Medicine is now offering a new, free therapy group for Front...
Managing Mental Health During COVID-19
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year’s campaign, You Are Not Alone, reminds people that now, more than ever, the mental...
During COVID-19, Take Simple Steps to Establish a New Normal
It’s always the right time to commit to healthy habits, behaviors and steps to improve your physical and mental health. With the...