Does PPP favor the wealthy?
For the last few days, I’ve been knee deep in helping clients try to understand and put together their applications for the Federal...
6 Facts Every Pet Owner Should Know About The New Coronavirus
In the face of a viral pandemic that originated from an animal believed to be a bat, it is our duty as responsible pet owners to be...
The Salvation Army will distribute food to 500 local families
What: The Salvation Army will distribute food, water, and hygiene kits to thousands of individuals in Miami-Dade County through a...
The best way to fight coronavirus? It’s in your hands.
As terms like “self-isolation” and “social distancing” become part of our shared vocabulary, members of our South Florida community...
Shipping Containers Poised to Solve COVID-19 Hospital Housing Shortage
::: To efficiently and effectively resolve hospital bed and hospital staff housing deficits nationwide, cargo architecture firm Three...
The Salvation Army’s Response to Unprecedented Need Caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Salvation Army, the nation’s largest social services organization with more than 7,600 service locations across the country, is...
COVID-19 Test Site Near Town, Parks Sanitation and More
Miami-Dade County Public Library System Closes In response to COVID-19, the Miami Dade Public Library System (MDPLS) will close all its...
3 Smart Virus Avoidance Solutions
With all of the legitimate concern around the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), consumers are scrambling for viable solutions to keep...
Sentinel Diagnostics has developed a ready-to-use Real-Time PCR mix for the detection of novel Coronavirus disease
Sentinel Diagnostics, an Italian Company focused on the development and production of In Vitro Diagnostics for the most advanced Clinical...
Keep a Healthy Home for a Healthy Body
A few years ago, I had some family staying at our home. While watching a movie, one of my nephews stood up in the middle of the room and...