4 Innovative Ways To Boost Student Morale
Going back to school is a big adjustment in the most mundane of times. When the threat of the coronavirus is at the school’s doorstep,...
COVID-19 Office Safety: Checklist & Guide
Coronavirus has made everything a bit weird. We no longer can drink coffee with people we like, we can’t hug the people we love, and...
Safety Tips for Remote Learning Students
In late July, Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) announced that the 2020-2021 school year will begin on Monday, August 31, but this...
Florida Coronavirus-Related Legal Updates
The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect us locally and globally. Lately, our home here in Florida has become a hotspot for COVID-19....
10 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Dog and Cat During the Pandemic.
For over two months now, we’ve all been practicing basic measures to prevent possible contamination with the new coronavirus-2. We all...
May 2020 Pinecrest / Palmetto Bay Edition
The May 2020 Pinecrest • Palmetto Bay+ Edition of The Florida Villager features Maurice’s Jewelers. #SummerCamp #MentalHealth...
Managing Mental Health During COVID-19
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year’s campaign, You Are Not Alone, reminds people that now, more than ever, the mental...
C is for Coronavirus
In the time of the coronavirus, people want to do all they can to protect themselves. Luckily, there are resources available to those...