One More Reason to Make a No Texting and Driving Resolution in 2020
The start of another year and another decade is upon us, which traditionally means that it is time to focus on new goals. From health goals...
How to Avoid Holiday Season Auto Accidents
During the holiday season, it is common for the number of car accidents to increase compared to other times of the year. With an influx of...
Holiday Ridesharing Safety Tips
The holiday season is finally here, and so is the busy travel, party, and shopping season. During this time of year, many people opt to use...
Halloween Slip and Falls Can be a Haunting Incident for Homeowners
With Halloween just around the corner, families everywhere are preparing for a night of confections and costumes. Hopefully, neighborhoods...
Signs of Heat Illness in Kids
With kids heading back to school, many of them will be hitting the gym and the field to practice their after-school sports. Sports teams...
3 Back to School Safety Reminders
The start of a new school year can be scary for many parents, as it means letting your children go into a world where they will face many...
Your Hurricane Season Emergency Kit
Here we are again in another hurricane season. Though some years bring lots of luck with fewer storms, it’s a good idea that we all start...
Understanding Airbnb Liability on Your Next Staycation
For South Florida residents, staycations are often a welcome break from our everyday routines. We live in such a beautiful city with an...
Safety Tips and Questions Parents Should Ask Before Committing to a Local Summer Camp
It’s about that time of year to start thinking seriously about what type of summer camp you will be sending your child to this coming...