How To Celebrate a New Pastor’s Ordination
Your pastor is the lynchpin of your church’s community, so you should properly praise and celebrate the ordination of a new pastor in...
Amerant Bank is Now the Hometown Bank of University of Miami Athletics
Multi-faceted partnership includes UM football, basketball and baseball, along with spearheading the ‘Hometown Heroes’ program, which...
Top 6 Tips To Improve Profits in Your Body Shop
Jot down these tips to improve profits in your body shop as you work towards boosting sales and intriguing new customer. Test out these...
Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida Turns 100
Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida (GSTF) is counting down to the 100th anniversary of the organization with an open invitation to the...
The Women Behind SFL’s Newest Nonprofit Development
Last week, the women of Friendship Circle got their hands dirty and helped demolish the nonprofit’s former facility, ‘paving the way’...
Quilt of Memories Brings Joy to Palace Renaissance Resident
Shirley Lane, a resident at The Palace Renaissance, has always been a fashionista. But, now with her memory fading due to Alzheimer’s...
Jobs Where Head Injuries Are the Most Common
There’s always a risk of injury on the job, and this goes for every industry. However, there are three jobs that cause the most head...
Benefits and Drawbacks of Long-Term Leases
Choosing whether to offer your tenants a short or long-term lease can be difficult, but we’re here to help. Here are the pros and cons of...
3 of the Best Non-Physician Jobs in Medicine
Becoming a medical doctor is a lengthy, expensive process. This list of three of the best non-physician jobs in medicine might shed light...
Understanding What CNC Spindles Are and When To Use Them
CNC spindles are a key part of manufacturing facilities. Here, we offer an introduction to this fascinating piece of machinery and its...