The Benefits of Stuffed Animals
Some families shower toddlers with oversized stuffed friends to squeeze and join in tea parties and dress-ups. Others save heirloom teddies...
CDC Encourages Breastfeeding Regardless of COVID-19 Infection
The Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade (HSCMD), is a community-based non-profit organization statutorily designated and funded by the...
What’s the Best Way to Use CBD Oil?
With so much information out there about CBD oil, such as how to tell when your CBD oil has an expiration date, much of it can be seen as...
Improve Your Posture and Your Health
Posture is spoken about on a regular basis in our office, but recently it has become an even more commonly discussed topic than ever...
Free Therapy Offered to Frontline Healthcare Workers
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, South Florida Integrative Medicine is now offering a new, free therapy group for Front...
Immune Boosting Soup
As we think of Covid-19, what all mainstream medical experts are expressing is the importance of supplementation and health building...
TV Personality Melissa Rycroft Reveals Health ‘Reality’
Many know Melissa Rycroft as a former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader turned prior contestant on the ABC’s “The...
Hope Hails from Home
Let’s fast forward from social distancing. Day 1 back to work, meeting, class, optometrist, coffee shop, life. Bag is packed. Clothes are...
Managing Mental Health During COVID-19
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year’s campaign, You Are Not Alone, reminds people that now, more than ever, the mental...
UpSwing Health
The doctors of Upswing Health are generously donating their time during the COVID 19 pandemic, NOT charging for their telemedicine...