5 Myths About the Flu Debunked
Fall has arrived, and so has the annual flu season — a time when a runny nose may turn into a nasty bout of the influenza virus with...
What To Do After You Get Your COVID Vaccine
You should celebrate your COVID vaccination—even if its symptoms don’t feel celebratory. Our guide will help you navigate the hours...
Botox Injections for Chronic Migraine Patients
By Josephine Clingan MD Nothing like a migraine to bring your day to a screeching halt. And we’ve all been there. The pain,...
Common Health Hazards When Working in a Factory
Factory work is dangerous. Improper use of the equipment and poor working conditions are examples of common health hazards in a factory...
How Is Rheumatoid Arthritis Different from Osteoarthritis?
We often hear osteoarthritis and rheumatoid lumped into the same category, but even though they’re both forms of arthritis, they’re...
New Cooling Gadget a Hot Summer Find
New invention endeavors to help us beat the heat this season and beyond With reports indicating that, according to...
MDC Physician Assistant Students Win State Challenge Bowl
Once again, Miami Dade College’s (MDC) physician assistant (PA) students recently won the coveted Florida Academy of...
The Symptoms of Not Treating Diabetes
Whether you suspect you may be developing diabetes or you’re not managing a current diagnosis properly, you need to know the symptoms of...
Age is Just a Number: 13 Tips to Live Younger Longer
It seems like everyone is obsessed with looking young these days. And hey, who can blame them? We all want to look young for our age. But...
MD NOW® Donates 5,000 Rapid COVID-19 Test Kits
MD NOW® Urgent Care, the largest urgent care provider in Florida, donated 5,000 rapid COVID-19 test kits to The Agape Network. ...