Communities In Schools of Miami Announces New Eat Smart Program
In an effort to eliminate hunger and obesity among children in Miami-Dade County, Communities in Schools of Miami (CIS of Miami), the South...
Historical Marker Dedicated at Old Gables Riding Academy Site
By Karelia Martinez Carbonell, President Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables Did you know that back in the 1930s there was a...
Talking About Estate Planning Needs to Happen Sooner Rather Than Later
There are subjects in life that need to be discussed, but many of us tend to avoid them. Issues like mortality and money top the list. As...
Summer Lovin’
Summertime, what a joy! To explore new things and get out in the world. To be creative, not be stressed about school, and to not have to...
Miami Spice Celebrates 16 Years, Adds Brunch Options for 2017
The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) is celebrating the 16th anniversary of the highly-anticipated Miami Spice...
Never Sleep Past 9:00 am
Never sleep past 9:00, the world starts at 9:00,” is the expert advice from Miami Palmetto Senior High school’s college...
A New Vision of Healthcare
South Florida’s newest hospital is The Miami Medical Center. Created by leading South Florida physicians, Nicklaus Children’s...
Pinecrest Gardens Awarded NEA Grant
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) awarded Pinecrest Gardens $10,000 to help fund the 2017 – 2018 Jazz Series and the Gen-Next Jam...
Green Scene (Solar Energy)
Everything you ever wanted to know about solar energy but were afraid to ask. From solar panels on the roof to a solar pool heater, making...
Feeling the Vibe
These days it seems like there’s a workout for everyone. Something for the core fanatics, for the time-strapped, for the one who...