Written by: Family

Powerful Female Figures Found in the Bible

Most articles on influential figures in the Bible focus on men, but men aren’t the only ones who play key roles in biblical history. Let’s look at some of the powerful female figures found in the Bible.


Esther is a well-known, powerful woman in the Bible: a whole book of the Bible is even named after her. She was a young Jewish woman living in Persia who was selected in a beauty pageant to become the queen to King Ahasuerus. The Book of Esther recalls how a court official named Haman had a plan to murder all the Jews in Persia—however, Esther courageously told the king about Haman’s plan. Ahasuerus overturned the royal order, and Esther’s uncle, Mordecai, won Haman’s job. Esther’s courage proved that God could save His people against all odds.


Ruth has one of the most beloved love stories in all of the Bible. She was a righteous young widow who vowed to follow and worship her mother-in-law, Naomi, who had just returned to Israel from Moab due to a famine. Ruth is an example of unwavering faith and bravery in the Bible. She believed that God would provide for her and Naomi, which God did through Boaz, the farmer from whom Ruth would receive her grain. Boaz married Ruth and rescued both her and Naomi from poverty.


Rachel was the wife of Jacob, but becoming his wife came with trials and tribulations. Her father, Laban, had deceived Jacob into first marrying her sister, Leah. Rachel waited patiently for seven years to be able to marry Jacob. God rewarded her for this by giving her sons who later became the heads of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Her son Joseph would save Israel during a famine, and her son Benjamin’s tribe produced the apostle Paul. Rachel is an example of God’s enduring love and blessings.


Hannah prayed desperately for a child. Barren for many years, she promised God that she would dedicate her child’s life to him. God answered her prayers, and Hannah gave birth to a son, Samuel. Just as she promised, Hannah left Samuel to be raised in the temple and provided him with wisdom along the way. Samuel would eventually become a counselor to King Saul and King David. Hannah never faltered from her promise, and God’s blessings to her enriched history.


Possibly the most well-known female figure found in the Bible, Mary of Nazareth was the mother of Jesus. She displayed total surrender to the will of God. An angel appeared to her to tell her she would give birth to a son, Jesus Christ. Being the mother of Jesus proved its challenges. She had to watch her son be crucified on the cross and endure the shame of it. She was a devout follower of God who said yes instead of no.

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Last modified: August 15, 2021