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How To Create a Kid-Friendly Home Office Space

You work and parent in the same home. Here’s how to create a kid-friendly home office space that keeps you productive and your little ones occupied.

A woman at a desk working on a laptop and writing in a notebook while her concentrated son writes something next to her.

Working from home while juggling parenting duties is no easy task. Kids are naturally curious, and home offices are magnets for exploration—with cords, furniture, and gadgets galore. Not to mention their favorite person (you) is in there. That’s why working from home with kiddos around can feel counterproductive and mentally taxing. Fortunately, a few office upgrades and changes can make the arrangement better for you and your children. Here’s how to create a kid-friendly home office space.

Anchor Furniture That Could Topple

Children love to climb, but this can be very risky if they attempt to scale heavy, tall furniture like bookshelves or filing cabinets. Fix the problem with furniture anchors or wall straps to secure these items in place.

Secure Outlets, Electronics, and Cords

Power outlets and dangling cords call out to curious hands, and your office is full of them. Cover outlets with plugs and practice safe cable management for your office, such as by concealing and neatly bundling cords. For the electronics you use during work (like your laptop, printer, and phone), keep an eye on them and secure them when you’re not in the office.

Latch the Cabinets

Your office cabinets probably house important documents, sharp tools like scissors, and small choking hazards like paper clips. You don’t want your little one to get their hands on these things, so make sure they can’t access your cabinets’ contents. This is easy—simply install childproof latches on all cabinet doors and drawers.

Pad Sharp Corners and Objects

Your child might bump their head against hard edges on desks and tables when you’re not looking. Prevent injuries by adding corner protectors or edge guards to soften those harsh angles. Similarly, stash away any breakable or pointy objects, such as vases or certain types of decor.

Keep a Stock of Toys That Aren’t Distracting

Providing your kids with their own “workspace” can keep them occupied while you work. Stock it with toys that encourage quiet, independent activities. For example, books for coloring or reading, puzzles, and building blocks are all possibilities. Avoid noisy or overly stimulating toys that could derail your concentration.


Creating a safe and flexible home office that you and your kiddos can enjoy takes some planning, but it’s absolutely worth the peace of mind and productivity. Now that you know how to create a kid-friendly home office space, you can focus on your work while knowing your kids are exploring safely nearby.

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