Written by: Business

The Role of Technology in Managing Waste Generation

What is your business’s waste IQ? Leverage technology to efficiently manage waste, reduce costs, and enhance your brand’s reputation in the community.

The interior of a recycling facility with conveyor belts that sort and separate recycling items from trash.

Monitoring and reducing waste are always great business practices. Most likely you already have several steps in place to reuse and recycle some waste, but there’s always more one can do. Employing technology will help you achieve better control of your waste production, including the use of AI, IoT, and other techniques. Here’s a quick look at the role of technology in managing waste generation to tackle waste management effectively and responsibly.

Waste Management Technology

Technology helps transform waste management from a reactive to a proactive process. With the right tools, businesses can minimize waste while maximizing resource efficiency. Ultimately this improves any business’s bottom line with the positive side effect of aiding the environment. Employ the following tech to reduce costs while improving efficiency.

Key Tech Solutions for Waste Management

Automation and IoT

You’ve likely heard of the Internet of Things (IoT) by now—a network of electronic devices that connect with one another and exchange data. With waste management, it refers to devices like smart bins that contain sensors that monitor the amount of waste they contain and issue alerts. Knowing how much waste a business generates helps them better plan for collection, scheduling pickups only when they are really needed. This reduces the number of trips taken by the collectors, saving time, energy, and unnecessary expense.

Data Analytics

Technology thrives on data. Conducting waste audits and compiling data on the amount and kinds of waste you generate produces data you can use to determine more efficient ways to handle your trash. Collecting information on types of waste, the volume, the sources, and so on helps identify opportunities for reduction, optimization, and cost-cutting measures. More advanced data analytics are terrific at looking into the future to determine potential future waste generation, allowing you to plan ways to reduce that waste…before it even exists!


Blockchain is one of those buzzwords that keeps popping up in business, but what exactly does it mean? Blockchain is defined as a database or ledger shared across a computer network’s, ensuring that you know where a certain piece of data came from, who handled it, where it ends up, and so forth every step of the way. Applying this to waste management, waste may be traced from where it originated to its last stop, whether that’s the landfill, recycling center, or elsewhere. Ensure compliance with regulations about waste disposal and identify weak links in the process.

AI and Machine Learning

AI is another word that gets thrown around a lot nowadays. It means artificial intelligence, and while it’s more commonly touted as a way to generate images and text, it’s better defined as a way to find new answers to old questions through pure information processing. AI-backed waste management systems can be adopted to identify, sort, and separate waste into what is useless and what is useful. AI systems constantly learn and adapt, which can reduce downtime, predict future maintenance, and automatically adjust current processes as needed.

That’s a breakdown on the role of technology in managing waste generation to help you reduce your status as a waste generator. While the human touch is necessary in any business, sometimes it’s good to leave the messier, dirtier jobs to a machine!

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