Written by: Key Largo

Mayor Merrill Raschein Visits Canal Restoration Project in Key Largo

Monroe County Mayor Holly Merrill Raschein visited Canal 90 between Hilson and Ivanhoe courts on Key Largo yesterday to view the canal restoration efforts underway.

The restoration work includes backfilling the canal. Backfilling raises the canal bottom to an optimum depth of about 7 feet to allow maximum flushing and tidal flow in and out of the canal. This restoration technique will increase the levels of dissolved oxygen throughout the canal. The work is funded by a Florida Department of Environmental Protection Keys Stewardship grant to the County.

“These improvements restore the canal’s impaired waters and bring the dissolved oxygen levels up to meet State water quality standards, which will greatly enhance the levels of marine life in the canals,” said Monroe County Chief Resilience Officer Rhonda Haag. “Residents should see an immediate increase in marine life once the project is completed.”

The crew also continuously monitors the canal for manatees that have been seen in the area. Close observation is being kept to ensure their safety, and activity stops if manatees enter the area while restoration work is underway.

Additional restoration projects for other poor and fair water quality canals in the Florida Keys will move forward as additional grant funding allows. Canal restoration improves the overall health of canals and nearshore waters. To learn more about canal restoration or see if your canal is included in the County’s restoration plan, visit www.monroecounty-fl.gov/canals

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