Written by: Faces of Miami Real Estate

Faces of Miami Real Estate: Rosie Cruz Sotero

305.788.0611 / rosiecsotero.onesothebysrealty.com
Total Years in the industry: 9
Current Company: ONE Sotheby’s International Realty

What neighborhoods do you specialize in?
Coral Gables, South Miami, Coconut Grove, Pinecrest

What are your predictions for 2024?
In 2024, we anticipate a continued adjustment to the new normal of interest rates. A slight decline from early Q4 2023 is sparking increased seller motivation and inventory. This, coupled with growing buyer demand, is expected to drive the real estate market. Well-priced homes in desirable areas will remain sought after, attracting high-income and high-net-worth buyers.

The recent reduction in the sales tax rate for businesses leasing commercial property in Florida is predicted to attract new businesses, potentially leading to corporate relocations and an additional boost in residential real estate demand.

Biggest challenge for sellers:
Securing their next home before selling the current one remains a key challenge for sellers. Some may explore options like bridge loans or post-closing occupancies. Those who have priced their homes appropriately are in a stronger position to negotiate post-closing occupancy terms, covering aspects like rent amount and time frame, with potential buyers.

How do you determine which homes match your client’s needs and wants?
I first arrange an in-person meeting with potential buyers. When working with multiple buyers, I like to understand their individual top priorities in a property. This consultation helps set expectations, establish key criteria and formulate an action plan. Considering variables like must-haves, photos of homes that catch their interest (even if not on the market) and preferences regarding their current home, I gain insight into their style and needs. As we explore property options, I refine the search based on their feedback on layouts, square footage, etc.

Adjusting criteria during the process is common to fine-tune and curate the property search. I ensure to stay aligned with the information my clients receive, including system-generated reports.

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