Written by: Florida Outdoors

What You Should Know Before Hunting Iguanas

Are you thinking about hunting iguanas as a solo or family activity? Learn what you should know before hunting iguanas in this helpful guide.

What You Should Know Before Hunting Iguanas

Iguana hunting is an activity many people take part in for various reasons, ranging from population control to considering them a delicacy. Whatever your motivation, there are a few key things to understand. Learn what you should know before hunting iguanas below!

Where You Can Hunt Iguanas

Iguanas are large lizards native to the tropical Americas, and many people associate the lizard with the lush Everglades in Florida. However, one of the facts you maybe didn’t know about iguanas in the Everglades is that they aren’t native to the area. In fact, iguanas are an invasive species in Florida and Puerto Rico. Known for their exceptional climbing abilities and rapid reproduction, iguanas can cause damage to local ecosystems and property.

Given these facts, iguana hunting has become a necessary measure for controlling their population growth. Florida is a prime location for iguana hunting, particularly in the southern part of the state. In Puerto Rico, iguana hunting is also prevalent. Just make sure you’re aware of local laws regarding hunting iguanas and stick to designated hunting areas, as trespassing on private property can lead to legal trouble.

How You Can Hunt Iguanas

When it comes to actually hunting iguanas, you can employ a few techniques. The most common methods include catch poles, air rifles, and snares. Iguanas are excellent swimmers and climbers, so tailor the tactics you choose to match their abilities. Catch poles are great for capturing iguanas in trees, while snares and air rifles may be more effective for ground-dwelling creatures.

And even though iguana hunting is fully legalized, cruelty to these animals is not. Whatever hunting method you choose, aim to kill as quickly and painlessly as possible.

When You Can Hunt Iguanas

Following hunting season guidelines is a significant aspect of iguana hunting. In Florida, you can hunt iguanas year-round. However, hunting during the warmer months is best, as this is when iguanas are more active. Plus, iguanas prefer to bask in the sun and can therefore be easier to locate when sunshine abounds.

The popularity of iguana hunting is a reflection of the need for population control in certain areas where they’ve become invasive. By understanding what you should know before hunting iguanas—where, when, and how to hunt them—you can help manage their populations, contribute to the preservation of local ecosystems, and have an exciting hunting adventure.

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