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Signs You Need To Buy a New Set of Golf Clubs

The signs you need to buy a new set of golf clubs can be obvious from their appearance, but there might also be underlying things the ball is telling you.

Signs You Need To Buy a New Set of Golf Clubs

Golf is a fickle game. You could hit three magnificent shots in a row, only to look like you never even picked up a club before on the subsequent eight shots. While your bad swing habits might be to blame, so might your clubs. Although a good golfer should never blame their tools, the signs you need to buy a new set of golf clubs are difficult to overlook.

Wear and Tear Beyond Repair

Don’t ignore blatant wear and tear. If the grip is dividing at the seams or your clubs look dirty, you can find solutions to those problems. However, if there is clear-cut damage to the clubface, you should put it out to pasture.

Drivers that look like someone was playing the drums with them or irons as smooth as silk are grounds for club shopping. A new, unblemished driver could fix many issues off the tee, while a new set of irons with deep grooves will have you attacking the pin.

Lacking the Height

Some players might think their low-line drives off the tee are unique. But truthfully, low liners are an indication your club is the problem. Powerful drives should have a higher arcing look rather than hovering about the ground.

You should test a few drivers with various clubheads to see which suits your swing best. Additionally, learning how to add power to your swing should provide accurate answers, giving you information about the ball’s apex, speed, and spin. With these figures in mind, you can home in on a driver that will help you dominate the course.

Excessive Spin

Because of certain golf video games where smashing the spin button is integral for success, it’s easy to think that tons of spins are good for your golf game. While being able to use spin to your benefit is something professional golfers have conquered, you don’t want your normal shots spinning like a top.

These considerations led to the development of modern golf equipment to enhance distance while decreasing spin. If you’re still consistently using the clubs from when Tiger Woods was winning majors, you’re probably giving up some distance and control.

Your Peers Are Passing You By

Most avid golfers have a foursome they play with regularly. If you do, you should have a good idea if something is up when someone you used to smoke is now beating you by five shots. The odds are they got a new set of clubs while you’re still playing with a set from the past.

You don’t want to come out on the losing end simply because your pals are getting 30 yards more off the tee, and the ball lands like it would on a pillow. Get with the times and take advantage of golf’s innovations as soon as possible.

Recognizing the signs you need to buy a new set of golf clubs may be a bitter pill, especially if you have fond memories of those clubs. But all it takes is one hole from 100 yards away to make you realize you made the best decision.

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