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5 Ways Medical Devices Are Cleaned and Sterilized

Learn the best practices for maintaining sanitary medical devices, from cleaning to sterilization. Get ready to become familiar with medical device sanitation!

5 Ways Medical Devices Are Cleaned and Sterilized

Medical devices are essential in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. However, they can be a source of infection in patients if you don’t follow cleaning and sterilization procedures. Cleaning and sterilization are crucial for preventing healthcare-associated infections, which can cause serious harm to patients.

Let’s discuss five ways medical devices are cleaned and sterilized to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare workers.

Manual Cleaning and Disinfection

Manual cleaning is the most basic method of disinfecting medical devices. This method involves physically scrubbing the device with a cleaning agent and rinsing it with water to remove residual debris. The next step is to apply a disinfectant solution to the cleaned device and let it sit for a specified period to destroy any remaining microorganisms. Finally, the device is rinsed with water to remove the disinfectant. Though this method is labor-intensive and time-consuming compared to other methods, it can effectively clean and disinfect simple medical devices.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning is a relatively new method of cleaning medical devices that involves immersing the device in a cleaning solution. At the same time, ultrasound waves create high-frequency pressure waves to loosen and remove debris. The process uses an ultrasonic cleaning machine, a transducer, to convert electrical energy into mechanical vibrations. The resulting cavitation bubbles created by the vibrations can penetrate hard-to-reach areas of the tool, such as crevices, cracks, and joint spaces, removing even the most stubborn debris.

Steam Sterilization

Steam sterilization is the most common method of sterilizing medical devices. This method uses high-pressure steam to kill microorganisms on the device’s surface and lumen. The device is wrapped in a packaging material and placed in an autoclave that uses high-pressure steam to generate heat reaching up to 121 degrees Celsius. The heat and pressure destroy all microorganisms on the device.

Ethylene Oxide Sterilization

Ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization is a low-temperature method that uses ethylene oxide gas and steam to sterilize medical devices. EO gas can penetrate the device’s packaging and kill microorganisms that reside inside the device’s lumen. Although this method is effective, it requires several hours to complete, and there is always a risk of toxic residue remaining on the device.

Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilization

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) sterilization is a relatively new medical device cleaning method. The process involves placing the device in a chamber filled with hydrogen peroxide gas. The gas penetrates the device’s packaging and activates, breaking down lingering microorganisms’ cell walls and killing them. Then, the chamber aerates to remove any toxic residue.

Maintaining clean and sterile medical devices is crucial for preventing healthcare-associated infections. Strict adherence to cleaning and sterilization procedures is just one consideration for reusable medical device design. By following the cleaning and sterilization methods mentioned here, healthcare facilities ensure their medical devices are safe and protect patients and healthcare workers.

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Last modified: July 6, 2023