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Something New: New Sports You Should Try Watching

There are many sports that can capture your interest, but here are a few you should try out. Their rise in popularity shows that they’re worth a watch.

Something New: New Sports You Should Try Watching

Every year, there are thousands of amazing sports matches, from soccer to football to baseball. However, many great smaller events and sports are worth your attention outside of the major sports industries. Here’s a look at some of the sports rising in popularity that you should try watching.

Chess Boxing

Possibly the oddest combination out there, this sport puts two people against each other in rounds alternating between chess and boxing. This has something for everyone, as participants need to keep their wits about them while fighting it out in the ring.

Professional Cornhole

Cornhole may seem like a game for family gatherings or social events, but many major sports started like that. Cornhole is becoming a huge sport across the country, with tournaments and an official national competition every year. There’s a lot to these pro shootouts you can learn about and watch.

Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate, originally known as ultimate frisbee, is an intense team sport where people throw these discs to each other and at goals to score. With its championships around the world, you can watch this sport in full action whenever you want. You’ll see teams of six go head-to-head in this fast-paced sport to claim victory in the American Ultimate Disc League.

BASE Jumping

BASE jumping is one of the most intense activities someone can do, but that’s why it can be so much fun to watch. This sport has people jump off buildings, antennae, spans, or earth (BASE) to parachute down to a target area on the ground below. This newer sport is one for thrill seekers and is well worth a watch if you ever get the chance.

These are just a few of the sports around the world that are increasing in popularity. Any of these sports are worth a watch, as they’ll have you on the edge of your seat and make your free time more enjoyable. Who knows? Maybe you’ll love watching it so much it becomes a high point and a new hobby.

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Last modified: April 28, 2023