Written by: Business Spotlight

Help When You Need It Most

By Vanessa Molina Santamaria

For those seeking assistance after a storm and other property damages, New Path Public Adjusting Group has been working tirelessly to help homeowners recover.

When you have an insurance claim related to property damage, it helps to have a trusted professional on your side to make sure you receive the full value that you deserve from your insurance company. These times are when a consultation with a public adjuster such as New Path Public Adjusting Group can be invaluable.

This issue, of course, has come into major focus here in Florida after Hurricane Ian. According to the National Hurricane Center, it was the fifth-strongest hurricane to make landfall in the United States. Recent estimates state that Ian has already resulted in more than 570,000 claims totaling over $7 billion.

New Path Public Adjusting Group has already helped hundreds with their claims after Ian, but they can help with much more than storm-related damages. In fact, any time an insurance claim arises, whether you reside in an area impacted by Hurricane Ian or in South Miami, Coral Gables, Coconut Grove or surrounding communities, they are here to help you get the most compensation possible from your insurance claim.

Why You Need a Public Adjuster

As if dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane hasn’t been hard enough for homeowners, they often have the additional challenge of waiting for their claim to be paid or, even worse, not getting the money they were expecting related to their claim. This is where a public adjusting company like New Path Public Adjusting Group can help.

“Insurance companies have been slow to act when it comes to responding with payments to get homeowners back on their feet,” says Rafael Roger, the principal public adjuster for New Path. “If they do make payments, it is usually very undervalued or below deductible, leaving homeowners to fend for themselves.”

Roger explains that hiring a public adjuster is like having professional representation, but for your interactions with your insurance company. It can offer peace of mind to homeowners and take the burden of the interactions off their plate and onto the plate of a professional who has years (if not decades) of experience dealing with insurance companies.

“If the insurance companies come with a fair payment from the start, then there would be no need for public adjusters,” says Roger. “Unfortunately, that is usually not the case; so we have to estimate, document and compile damages and provide explanations that make sense. That way, we can get the insured (aka homeowners) the money they deserve.”

Helping the Community

In the wake of Ian, New Path has been very active in the affected communities, helping out, donating food, giving their time and money and providing other resources to help people get back on their feet as quickly as possible. In terms of public adjusting, Roger says New Path has already helped over 100 homeowners — and they are well on their way to serving more than 250 before the year is over. Of course, homeowners throughout South Florida can expect the same focus and dedication from New Path whenever they have an insurance claim on their home or property, whether it’s related to a storm or not.

Taking the Extra Step

Roger says that New Path Public Adjusting Group offers several advantages to help home and business owners maximize their insurance settlement. For one, they have a greater understanding of insurance policies and their tricky language to help homeowners make sure they have the coverage they need. To that end, New Path offers free policy review. That way, homeowners can be assured that their policy won’t leave them high and dry when they need help the most.

Second, New Path has the tools and special equipment to look for undetected problems where they might exist. This includes technology like thermal cameras to detect unseen moisture, or sewer cameras to look for damage in cast iron pipes, just to name a few. They offer these damage inspections for free to homeowners so they can have peace of mind that there aren’t problems going undetected in their homes.

The Bottom Line on Public Adjusters

Public adjusters are sometimes painted as “bad guys” in the insurance industry and one of the causes for higher insurance rates, but Roger says this is certainly not the case. In reality, a reliable public adjuster is a valuable resource for helping a homeowner get the money that they deserve and, in fact, are promised by their insurance policy. At no time is that resource more important than in the aftermath of a major natural disaster or tropical storm like the ones we often experience here in South Florida.

New Path Public Adjusting Group, Inc., is located at 13611 South Dixie Hwy., Suite 346, in Miami. To learn more, call 888.433.0219 or visit newpathpa.com.

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