Written by: Safety

Emergency Weather Preparations You Must Make

You should hope for the best but prepare for the worst, especially when it comes to extreme weather. Here are the emergency weather preparations you must make.

Emergency Weather Preparations You Must Make

Weather is unpredictable and can always swoop in and upend your life at the drop of a hat. There are some normal emergency preparations that people do, but they always end up neglecting one thing or the other. You must make the proper preparations to ensure you and your family are safe and can move on from these weather events unscathed. Continue reading to learn about the emergency weather preparations you must make.

Safely Store Emergency Supplies

To stay prepared, you must gather emergency supplies such as flashlights, batteries, non-perishable foods, phone chargers, medicine, and emergency numbers, among many other things. However, while you can gather all these supplies, you need to find a proper and safe way to store them.

For example, you could have an emergency supply kit go-bag, but if you keep it in the attic or some far-away corner of the garage, it could get damaged. Even worse, you might not be able to access it safely. Instead, you should keep it relatively close and in an environment with consistent temperature and humidity. If you have space, consider keeping it in your pantry, your bedroom closet, or even in a bin in the utility room.

Get Your Insurance Together

One thing you may not consider when preparing for emergency weather events is getting your insurance together. You likely have some insurance on your home and car or renters’ insurance, and you should keep that information in a safe place. The worst thing you could go through is losing your home or having it damaged and being unable to make the necessary claims.

You should also check if your insurance covers your pool enclosure. Different insurance providers have different policies, and some may not cover them. You should ensure you have the proper coverage and that you keep those documents in a safe place. Don’t ever assume that your pool screen is covered. Always be sure to read the fine print!

Know What Food Is and Isn’t Perishable

Most people know they should keep a steady supply of non-perishable food on hand in case of emergencies. However, there can be some confusion about what is perishable and what isn’t. For example, some people will stock a freezer with meat or frozen meals, but you may lose power in an emergency, and all that food will spoil. Some non-perishable food items you should get include:

  • Canned foods
  • Protein bars
  • Jugs of water
  • Dry cereal and granola
  • Peanut butter

While these may not make the most appetizing meal, they can certainly keep you fed in some trying times. Stockpiling non-perishable food is important, but as previously mentioned, be sure to keep them in a safe place where you can easily access them.

Make these emergency weather preparations sooner rather than later because the weather can be unpredictable. Meteorologists can spot a tropical storm forming in the ocean, but that doesn’t mean you are exempt from its harmful effects or any other extreme weather. Take these necessary precautions, so you and your family can stay safe!

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Last modified: November 3, 2022