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Ways You Can Give a Baseball Bat More Pop

Utilizing the best ways you can give a baseball bat more pop can turn you into a power-hitter by giving your bat the extra power you need on the field.

Ways You Can Give a Baseball Bat More Pop

Baseball and softball season are wrapping up across the country, but it continues in Florida. Fine-tuning your swing during the off-season allows you to get ready to attack next year. Your bat is crucial to your success as a hitter; learning the best ways to give a baseball bat more pop will separate you from the rest of the pack.

End-Loading the Bat

If you have a hollow bat, you can pop the end cap off and fill it with some extra oomph. Aluminum and composite bats are your best for end-loading them. By adding weight to the end of the bat, your swing will be more powerful and prodigious, driving the ball further than you have before. 

Bat Shaving

Try taking your bat to a shop where they have a lathe, or find a place online where you can send your bat for them to shave. The lathe trims your bat’s inner workings to be straight and even. This process will help eliminate parts of the bat you don’t need and improve your overall performance. When shaving a bat, the inside walls become thinner. This means the walls will compress and bounce back with much more force than in other bats. 

Rolling the Bat

Initially, it would help if you got the appropriate bat. Not every baseball and softball bat is satisfactory enough to go through a machine that rolls bats. Metal and alloy bats are a no-go for bat rolling, so you’re better off sticking with composite bats for this service. You can attempt to roll the bat yourself, but you’re better off turning to the professionals to ensure your bat is potent and legal. 

Find the best service and let the pros handle your bat needs. They know the best ways to give a baseball bat more pop because they deal with several daily. When they complete the process, you will notice the difference immediately in batting practice. The extra power might be the difference in a flyout or a home run, so opting for one of these procedures is well worth the investment if you play in a highly competitive environment.

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Last modified: September 9, 2022