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Really Good Reasons To Have a Swing Set in the Playground

Swings are a great part of the park where kids develop the best memories. Here’s a look at why kids need to have a swing in the community playground.

Really Good Reasons To Have a Swing Set in the Playground

Every kid has their favorite part of the park, but everyone can agree that—just like their kids—they waited in long lines to get on the swings. They are a fun attraction that teaches more than it entertains. For one thing, kids learn hand-eye coordination thanks to the swing set. Here are some really good reasons to have a swing set in the playground.

Children Learn Spatial Awareness

Kids run, jump, scream, and even roll down grassy hills at the park to experience new things and develop essential life skills. A significant thing kids get out of swinging is spatial awareness. This skill is all about being aware of your body’s placement when encountering objects and people.

When a child runs for the swings, they know they will either plop down bottom or stomach first. Doing this makes them aware of the sensations they experience when pushing themselves with their feet or allowing another person to move them.

Spatial awareness teaches children to:

  • Grip things properly
  • Pump their legs to create momentum
  • Readjust in their seat to avoid colliding with a person or object

Kids Learn To Focus Better

While swinging, kids focus on everything around them, including what’s in the sky. From planes to birds, kids can use this enhanced focus to pay attention more in class and when talking with peers. When their attention span increases, a child’s social awareness also improves.

Sensory Building Starts on the Swings

Sensory building starts at the park, but it really begins on the swings. When a child first goes to the park, they usually swing on the glider swings when they’re toddlers. Kids feel, smell, and notice everything around them when they first experience the swings.

While debating the pros and cons of plastic and metal swings, kids build their sensory skills on both material types. However, plastic swings are the best ones to develop sensory skills, since they feel nicer and can bend to fit a rider better.

Hand-Eye Coordination Develops on the Swings

You’ve heard of cat-like reflexes, but hand-eye coordination is the most important one. It is essential for a child’s development because it helps them become aware of the information they’re absorbing with their eyes, helping them know where to place their hands.

Swings can improve hand-eye coordination—when kids walk or run toward a swing, they focus their attention on the chain or seats so they can register what to grab with their hands. These are all the things that make playground swings a good thing. Hand-eye coordination is one reason to have swings at the playground, but so is exercise, and kids really need that.

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Last modified: September 30, 2022