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Do Your Solar Panels Work During the Rainy Season?

Summertime in Florida typically means more clouds and rain throughout the day. But do these weather conditions negatively affect your solar panel system?

Do Your Solar Panels Work During the Rainy Season?

Florida is generally known for its fun-in-the-sun weather, but any local to the state knows that the summer months tend to have their fair share of cloudy and rainy days. With solar energy and solar power systems becoming more popular, people are expressing concerns that these rainier days might negatively impact their setup. Read on to discover whether your solar panels work during the rainy season.

Investing in Solar Energy

Before knowing how weather conditions might affect your solar panel system at your home or business, you need to consider if solar energy is right for you. While there are several advantages to installing a proper solar panel system, many homeowners in Florida are snowbirds who primarily come down for the winter months. The potential benefits of a complete setup might not be for you if you frequently move from place to place.

How Clouds Affect Solar Energy

Even on particularly cloudy days, your solar panel system benefits from the sunlight. While it is true your system won’t generate as much energy as it would on a clear day, solar energy is still possible due to a photovoltaic effect system. This effect allows your system to convert photons into energy. Even though sunlight is minimized on cloudy days, those photons still make it through, allowing your solar panels to get roughly 30 to 50 percent of their optimal sunlight needs even on the cloudiest days.

Do Rainy Days Affect My Solar Panels?

It’s comforting to know that solar energy still works on cloudier days, but what about the heavy rains Floridians expect during the hurricane months? Even in the heaviest rain, your panels still use that photovoltaic effect to generate 10 to 20 percent of the energy they receive on clear days. Those wondering if their solar panels work during the rainy season can rest easy knowing they still have access to clean renewable energy with the proper setup. However, when living in an area with heavy clouds and rain, we recommend having a backup battery to store energy that can be used during these events.

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Last modified: July 25, 2022