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How To Speed Up Production in Your Metal Fabrication Shop

In a business such as metal fabrication, productivity is everything, and time is money. Here’s how to speed up production in your metal fabrication shop.

How To Speed Up Production in Your Metal Fabrication Shop

Speed is everything in production. When making a product, you need to make it as quickly and efficiently as possible while still ensuring that the product you put out is of the highest quality. The same is true for metal fabrication shops where metal is that product. Here’s how to speed up production in your metal fabrication shop.

Continually Educate Your Employees

In a business, productivity comes from the employees more so than management. They are out on the floor creating or selling the product directly. As a manager or business owner, you can give these employees the tools to be more productive, and one of those tools is knowledge. With regular training and education material about the machines and new processes or techniques, you can turn your employees into specialists in their field. This education will raise the average productivity by a lot, so even though you take time out of the day to train, you will be greatly rewarded with more efficiency.

Use Tandem Press Brakes

Press brakes are necessary for any metal fabrication shop, but they can sometimes be inefficient. Sometimes, the pieces of metal you are working with may be too large for the press brakes, or you may only have one large press brake when you need to do multiple smaller projects. In these instances, you should have a tandem press brake. Tandem press brakes can significantly speed up your production because they are flexible and can take on multiple different kinds of projects. You can use the machines individually on smaller projects or combined to take care of bigger ones.


A significant technological advancement taking over the metal fabrication field is automation, and it’s clear as to why. Automation and robotic machines doing the job of physical employees improve productivity on many fronts. These machines can operate continuously without the breaks that regular employees need, and the employees you do have can better spend their time on more specialized projects. Machines are also less likely to make mistakes that come from a lack of sleep, and safety hazards go down. Automated machines can also finish tasks much more quickly, significantly cutting the turnaround time for projects.

This was how to speed up production in your metal fabrication shop, and it’s clear that things will only keep progressing as time goes on. Automation is here, and it will only get better while traditional employees can spend their time fixing machine mistakes and working on more specialized projects.

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Last modified: June 6, 2022